the word F.U.C.K was used so common, every day, every hour, every minute by EVeRYoNE.
It simply Means “吊” in chinese, and bermesra” in Kata Tradisi Melayu.
For English, I dont have to explain again, i guess ^^
F.U.C.K means " Fark La!" what else more? How your Mother and your Father got u?
" Fark la"
Its a 名词,形容词,动词,数量词。。。or a 感叹词
( instead of Amboi, Cis, OMG!, Ya Allah! 死佛!完了!) they use F.U.C.K

Its simple, here's some example:
1. " Eh, Fuck ( 喂,hello there,)! Now what time edi arr??"
2. " Look At him!!! He's so fucking ugly, la..praise Lord..
3. " Yala, Kheng姐 fucked him nicely yesterday, eat sweet somemore la.. Wait die!
4. "You better shut up! Or I will piss your 2 fucking balls off!"
5. " Oh Fuck ( Shyt!! Cis!! Aduhh!!)!!!! 阿恋 ask for my pass just now!!!!"

Due to this issue, research has been done by surveying victims of fuckers,
( people who fuck others, and people fucked by others)
We found out that 98% truth lies here,
F.U.C.K is not only a so called Foul Word :"( Dirty, smelly, retarded, Bad, Rude) Word"
F.U.C.K actually stands for
Friends U Can Keep

If you love someone, and want to keep him/her always,
tell them you F.U.C.K them!!
So promise them, you will F.U.C.K them forever,
And hopefully they will also F.U.C.K you forever!! ^^

" the readers are F.U.C.K's"

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