Today As Usual lo, ( I bloody like to use as usual, what u expect ? Nothing special happen ma)
Morning, very early morning that time, bout 7.00 am, reach school, straight headed towards
LKT room.. Okay, This Time more or Less "full house" 啰.. Not like that day, Only the 2 Lim's doing the preparations..
Then Later, Mr.李 arrived school finaly, he came in awile, then 没做啥, 又转头走人啦...
Finding 大嫂 gua.... I think so....
Then Later, don't know is Ngam Key or 不 Ngam key, he just left awile, 大嫂 came with her LPS Buddy..
As usual, 崔呀崔。。。 Call those Juniors Keep it up, the packaging...
But, here comes another PROBLEM... simply, NO RIBBONS!!!!!!
OMG.. Wat to do then? 休息咯。。。

7.20, Mr.Lean's 地狱钟响了, Ham Pa LA 走人噜。。
Assembly lo, talk crap AGAIn, nothing big nor special...
THen there's an announcement regarding 火警练习吧。 Chandra said and told us to be ALERT.
Of the so called "funny bell ring?" then you should know to START MOVING before the flame roast you up. But, I thought CHristians always say " God Knows What's Best for Us"..
SO if there's a fire, means we shouldn't run from this Fate or "Gift from God".
As a CATHOLIC High Student, We should just let the Flame Bring us to The Land Of Eternity ( 天堂)。。 Or the Muslims call it 辣妈赌啦 ( Rammatullah)

Okay, Assembly Game Over. Back to Class, FINALLY!!! Oh NO, Not SO FasT?
Ah Kheng姐 with some bulldogs, 围绕了我们。。 " Comm'on Boy's and Gal's Its Toddy Time!!"
完了完了。。 Not Haircheck nia... BONUS Hair Cut, All also kena check like CSI suspect,
Luckily My ISA ( Independent Student Act) succeed, I got Away!!! xD
可怜, Some of the LeNgCaI ( Lenglui kena ornot, not interested = =).. Kena Tiam Tiam frm
Ah Keng, then all gather at the Block C Makmal lama there.. Waiting to kena 吊。
Eik! This Time 不一样了!!Ah Keng + En. 同性Lean, Hand 抽筋, 无法亲自下手。。
Dunno is Lucky or unlucky, 头发被吊的 Lengcai Lenglui 们,今天有一位 带着一篮剪刀 的 Auntie, 上门来, 帮他们 "修理修理"
不错啦, 没什么差别。。 她的功夫跟 咱们学校的Yusof( 割草的) 没什么两样。。

Pitty Me, man... I heard some LengCai, took out Jay CHou's 大头照, and showed the Auntie,
so that she can 实现 their dream..
But, I Scared, later Ah Keng姐 不爽, Take out the 达赖喇嘛 ( Dalailamma) photo out,
I really dont know what will happen to those 32 boys, that havn't kena Pawned..

Sudah Panjang Mesti Potong!!!

CHS 校规 “万岁万岁”, “ One One 碎”

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