EXAM's Diary (Part 1)

Finally going to be the end of the "1st part" of the 2nd term EXAM~

With chemistry+ Accounts dead,
Barely survived all the language essays... >.<
Finally coming ahead is 2 weeks of holiday ( or shall I say " Study Lift")

Study Study STudy, SLeep Sleep Sleep,
and Screw Screw Screw
I told ya, Exam is all to do with all S's ( ass)

Wake up every morning 4a.m. 5a.m. to study craps,
what a wonderful start of a day!
" Memorising salts 4.a.m. in the morning, how interesting. And make your whole day truly salty.
Finger lickin' good"
That day was worst, " Screwing myself in accounts at the hour of NOT EVEN a single shop started its buisness, exept 7-11 la of cos @@"

Having my every morning getting up earlier than the rooster,
Study some crap as a replacement breakfast or instead of updating myself on the 四川 earthquake.
Tmrw will be worst! I will be reading the word " Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan" earlier than the Mosque's Choir. Ya Allah, earlier than their 1st salam.
Moral paper tmrw... Gambateh everyone
Or in English " Add oil"

Here's some study tips for those who want to score well in tmrw's EST paper.
Since we all know it will that well known Bullshyt-er that's preparing the paper,
he aint gonna leak any tips, maybe just give you janji kosong lah,
" If you beat me in diao shen吊神 ( actually is 跳绳) , I will tell you whats coming out tmrw"
which is seriously impossible ( His speed is 1/2 the ticker tape speed, u dare try that tomato?)

" I will give you all, the topic is based on ROBOTICS"
( ROBOTICS, try wiki/google it yourself more than 1,000,000 results, good luck dude~)

" This time, Its on Space Explorations"
( Michael's Believe it or Not) HELL NO!!

" Ahha, you all cant guess it, its very hard.. haha, its on Genetic Modification"
( Ignore him = =)

A little advice,
rather than believing Mr. Black CHinese bullshytting, better spend your time
memorising the 36 nilai's for Pendidikan Moral, and read the Textbook like a bedtime story.
EST, forget about it...

Read WiSeLy

"Good Luck"

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