Please Read the comprehension below. Your Summary must be less than 80 words.
Voiced by Ryuka at 11:44 PMHere's the reasons for being absent from blogging for such a "long = =" period
( dammit u guys, its less than a month still... not that i am dead though =/ )
Its so 自卑 ma, see TJ,the "ressurected" blogger still that active, even after classes started.
I am considered MIA. Seriously missing to nowhere. Damn, there's really lot to settle before I can sit on a plastic chair comfortably and blog..
Enough. This is what RyukA will do as you buddies know. I will go for a long rest for weeks,
and come back with ton of excuses.. crap crap crap.. like Michael. For some reason, I do have very valid reasons.. ya know..
" I am busy studying for quizes" ( booooooo~~)
" I recently seldom use the computer when I am at home." ( booooo~~ Life so sad?)
"Not Really. during class intervals that has atleast 2hrs, I will go Cyber and play" ( Fuiyo... with who?)
" Ding Yang and that Long-face Yu Ning" ( Why them?)
" Same Program la, brother." ( What Program)
' MUFY. Manchester United Final Year." ( MU fans dont 吊 me >.<)
*Monash University Foundation Year
" Last reason. I lazy to blog. I wait for free time to blog stuffs." ( So fake~ )
Its kinda good experience though. Only 3 musketeers from CHS enrolled in MUFY.
Make us having a higher chance to meet more new friends :D
MUFY program is considered more foreign compared to other programs like SAM, A levels, STPM. Its always " what u studying? hah? apa Mufy?"
This program is rather abit enclosed from the public i guess.
So Far so good. Screwing assignment as usual. But It's done a little more Professional then the High school style. Lecture hours are lot longer than High school lessons, yet not that tiring i suppose. The "air change concept" could be a factor. The MUFY lecturers are quite nice, friendly
and precise. I always like to play challenge with teachers, throwing miscellaneous questions at them, yet the lecturer is always good in giving the feedback, unlike some of those xxxxx teachers that want us to Shut up than giving her reply.
Class size not big, a good thing. A max of 30 per class. Furnished with Projector and Airconditioner every classroom. ( its kinda common for colleges, in case some barbarians dont know @@)
Due to quite a number of foreign students in the MUFY program. Our classes were mostly blended in a 70-30 ratio of Local and foreign [ the statistics differ for different subjects].
For example: my Physics class, its a mini United Nation of students from 19 countries.
For your info, Foriegn Buddies are very friendly and polite peoples. ( hope its not just for now. >.<)
Anyway, every morning the CHS-ians do meet up somewhere in the cafeteria.
The Girls do the CHit-chatting, and the boys do the Sight-seeing. shhh.... =X
And the friendship community just get bigger and bigger whenever one of us introduce our
coursemates when they pass-by sometimes.
From time to time, when the break is long enough for me to play 2 games of Dota ( bout 2:30 hrs)
I will meet up those CHS-ians working in Sunway Pyramid, with friends or just alone (how sad).
To be specific, is to have lunch with Ah Bin and others. Of Course, i would reach there early,
for a reason i cant recognise places excluding fast food restaurants and the Guitar shop at LG1.
Mentioning SUnway Pyramid, Damn it! Its the 3rd time i went there in this week.
Wednesday my continuous break ngam ngam during Lunch hour, so i made a little promise with Ah Bin that every wednesday noon we go Yamcha together.
VOCAB PLUS : "yamcha" = Have a drink. Drink tea. Derived from Cantonese
That's a brief of What's going on over here. haha.
Gotta Sleep, My system need to recharge. lol.
To be continued on __________
( man, how da hell i know when will be the next time i blog, I aint full time blogger #.#)
Start Your summary with:
Recently, RyukA is absent from blogging and crapping because he
( 20 marks)
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