Today was Fun. AGM was more fun!!
The LKT executives have been doing sorts of discussion to
nominate their successors for each department respectively ( except for certain department... they just got things screwed up a little)
Of course every senior evaluate the candidates differently,
some evaluate by "the reactivity",
" the attitude" or even " ability" , which is hell important.
Whereas, some maybe simply because " Face Problem",
that goes against Ken Wei's Law of Solution, stated
{ Every problem have a solution}
except Face Problem... too bad la.. if that happens so...

DO I have to go through the whole AGM process? Like other club la, dude. This speech, that speech then Happy voting. Yeah, " happy" voting = Happy Retiring to us.
The Voting sessions went on smoothly from the President Position to the Store Keeper. Most of it.. went on Normally.
I will only share some ExtraOrdinary one! Wahaha...
President, Ken Wei's generation ( Correction : Generation in LKT)
1st Candidate Hong JJ
2nd candidate Heng Li Theng
then Neo Yee Jing, Weil Shern and Yew Zhen Xuan.
They gave their speech, followed by the Keyword, which is stupid " VOte Wisely"
( So voting you, consider not wise wo..then how? U die la!)
SHould say,
[Vote for Me, If you ppl trust me, I will do my best to not disappoint you all]
Then the voting wave will change...

Its good that LKT is DEMOCRATIC, although they kinda Autocratic infront of F5 Members,
Atleast for this once la, come on, LKT is honest on the votes. Its good to practice voting rights before turning 21, and vote down BN. We get to have fun Decorating + messing up with our voting slips, as no condition to disqualify as long as they get what U Mean and the name written is on the list of candidates.
Mr. Lim and I played and designed a few votes, no doubt, the space provided is too much.

Majority ( in the AGM) shall determine the results.
( of course cant say is Member la, many members ponteng leh...)
Not bad, the counting process was fast, due to the attendance... oops!
Finally around 3pm, the result is out.. To create the Climax Effect, the comittee decided to announce the result from E.T.'s successor till the Champion of the day.
As predicted the result come out 差不多 satisfying ... Until it went up to President...
The Last 2 postless couple, proceeded to the front.
Zhen Xuan and Jia Jing,
A boy and a girl,
one smiling all the way, another giving the serious look
Those 2 are the contrast to each other.
1 boy 1 girl,
1 LM, 1 LAS LPS,
1 short hair, 1 long hair
1 handsome, another... *arhem* ( i din say it, dont assume!)

Atlast the president himself, still undetermined, so he decided the crowd to announce the Next President. And 1,2,3... they shouted...
The winner is ( I dont care)
Congratz to all Candidates that won!!
The results QUITE Satisfying..
Of course how well will the club be, Improving or Collapsing,
THe Next comittee must do their jobs well!!
LKT depends on them today onwards!!

WIth E.T retired, He no longer get to bring his nose high and " executive only, U are not allowed"
His proudness of being the LOWEST in the Comittee can no longer function anymore.
Piss Off la, U finally retire liao... bleh xP
Trying to bring up himself, Now we are equal again,
lets see how he maintain that STore Keeper Proudness..
Like what Mr. Lee young said, " an Elephant with ego"

Its good that the new comittee is Elephant-Free
Or else the form3's shall have quite a Hard time going through......

"Its something common, everyone must face it. There is always a winner, there is always those who fails. Challenges will prepare you the ability to move forward if you can handle it, But will
make you get F**ked up if you run away from it.
And seriously, Post doesnt really matter, Its just a [ cert and a tag] by the way. There's no guarantee saying that members cant contribute to the club, and no saying to guarantee tat every comittee will surely contribute to the club. Its a personal matter of how you look into it. "
This is a statement from a normal person.

If you are a species of Badge-Oriented, Post-Oriented, or
Feel that you are Above others ( even you are just 160+)
then you can get the special statement from E.T.
He has a better definition of all these to share for certain species.

But still, got post or not, all of you are A big Family with blood variation, and no trace of similar gene but the recognition the symbol on your tags.
A symbolic sign of a species in LKT.
So Work together, play together, Rule together.

Pls take care of the Kebajikan of all the normal members as well,
and for the comittee members, stop centering everything within the comittee, there is much
the members can do, so dont just do discussion and decisions if you want your friend on the next meeting. Not only that, you may silent them to ignore objections, but when you retire,and you gets normal again....hehe, tell you sure damn sohai de.. You will be bloody sorry..

"Dont ever carry an Elephant's ego."--- Ryuka

" LKT is the Family, not the Comittee"

Happy Retirement to the Form 5's ^^

Copyright reserved by Ryuka @ AUMNO 08

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